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Lorie Thibault - Artist

I was born in Chatham, Ontario, Canada.  I began my art career as a student at the University of Western Ontario. I transferred to the University of Waterloo where I obtained a Bachelor of Fine Arts (studio specialization) and then went on to continue my education at the University of Windsor where I obtained a Bachelor of Education and my Ontario Teaching Certificate.

I taught in Chatham-Kent for several years until I began my family. 

My husband and I own and operate several companies. I have a home studio where I work mainly in pen and ink.

Artist Statement

Everything has a story to tell. These stories are the very forces that inspire our passions and dreams. The marks we make in the world are the lines that tell our story.

My own life has been an adventure.  I have traveled.  I have explored.  I have discovered. I think of my work as an attempt to capture my world one line at a time.  Along my journey I have encountered so many fascinating images, all with their own story to tell.  I am intrigued by the history behind each image and am particularly drawn to the ‘old’.  Images where the past is juxtaposed with the present - what once was with what now is.  Its own story being etched within its very lines.

Pen and ink allows me to control my environment line by line, marking out my own place in time. I use line and detail to tell my story.  Having been involved the construction industry for the past 30 years structure and design have a strong influence in my work.

I hope my art inspires the viewer to delve deeper into our world and to take the time to see the lines that make up our story and to perhaps add a few lines of their own.

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